Each family tree shows the reported children, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of a family group. In order to reduce redundancy, any family group which is wholly included within another family tree may not be reported separately.

Above each of the great-grandparent boxes (top row), a continuation family tree reference number is shown if the great-grandparent is recorded as a child in the continuation tree. A continuation reference number is also shown to the left of a grandparent or parent box if that individual has siblings reported in the continuation tree; and beneath a child box (bottom row) if that individual has children reported in the continuation tree.

In cases of multiple marriages, a continuation reference number preceded by "=" is shown to the right of a parent box. This number references the previous and/or next tree in which that individual is shown with another partner.

1. BEMBERG, Peter, H III 5 := K III 1 and ELBERS, Catharina Sophia
2. AUF DEM BEMBERG, Heinrich, H II 3 and BONSFELD, Christina
3. BEMBERG, Caspar Heinrich, K IV 1 and EICHHOLTZ, Johanna Magdalena
4. NOËL, Anton and BEMBERG, Maria Catharina, K IV 2
5. DICKMANN, Joh. Ernestus Ludovicus and BEMBERG, Anna Elisabeth, K IV 3
6. BEMBERG, Friedrich Wilhelm, K IV 5 and EICHHOLTZ, Maria Anna
7. BEMBERG, Friedrich Wilhelm, K IV 5 and CRAMER, Margarethe Elisabeth
8. BEMBERG, Peter Johann Wilhelm, K V 1 and MICHELS, Catharina Elisabeth Antoinetta
9. NOËL, Christoph Daniel and HÜLSENBECK, Susanna Maria Amelia
10. VON AUSSEM, Hermann Isaac and NOËL, Maria Margaretha
11. JUNGE, Johann Peter and BEMBERG, Anna Magdalena, K V 4
12. D.Ä. BEMBERG, Peter, K V 5 and BOULLÉ, Susanna Elisabeth
13. BEMBERG, Caspar Heinrich, K V 6 and TROMPELER, Gertrudis
14. WILDENSTEIN, Johann Adam and BEMBERG, Anna Catharina, K V 8
15. GUICHOT, Josef and BEMBERG, Maria Anna, K VI 4
16. BEMBERG, Friedrich Wilhelm, K VI 5 and LE COMTE, Louise Catharina Friederika
17. D. J. BEMBERG, Peter, K VI 6 and DRÜGG, Maria Theresia
18. BEMBERG, Johann Georg, K VI 7 and KNEUTZGEN, Anna Catharina
19. BEMBERG, Casparus (Gaspard), K VI 9 and LENNARTZ, Theresia
20. VÖLKER, Karl Friedrich and BEMBERG, Maria Anna Friederike, K VII 1
21. BEMBERG, Friedrich Wilhelm, K VII 3 and GRELLER, Henriette Karoline
22. BEMBERG, Carl Leopold, K VII 5 and VISCHER, Marie Christine Luise
23. FAY, Gerhard and BEMBERG, Emma Catharina, K VII 6
24. BEMBERG, Otto Peter Friedrich, K VII 8 := F VII 1 and OCAMPO, Maria Louisa Bernabela
25. BEMBERG, Joseph Caspar, K VII 15 and VAN DE BÜCKEN, Anna Maria
26. LOUIS, Gerhard Hubert and BEMBERG, Johanna, K VII 16
27. WIJLEN, Keill Hubert Christoph and BEMBERG, Anna Margaretha, K VII 17
28. HOLZ, Franz Joseph and BEMBERG, Catharina, K VII 20
29. SPECHT, Josef and BEMBERG, Jakobine Christiane Elise, K VIII 4
30. BEMBERG, Karl Martin, K VIII 6 and BENNER, Rosine Rosalie Pauline Marie
31. MACKINLAY, Daniel Alejandro and BEMBERG, Rosa, F VIII 1
32. STERN, Saly Guillaume (Wilhelm) and BEMBERG, Rosa, F VIII 1
33. BEMBERG, Otto Sebastián, F VIII 2 and DE ELORTONDO, Josefina Leona
34. NOLL, Heinrich Josef and BEMBERG, Theresia, K VIII 7
35. BEMBERG, Friedrich Theodor Joseph, K VIII 8 and DAVERKOSEN, Anna Maria Elise Hubertine Franziska
36. BEMBERG, Albert Gottlieb Wilhelm, K IX 9 and SCHUHMACHER, Marie Katharina
37. MACKINLAY, Alejandro and ULLOA DE LA CÁMARA, CRUZ, María
38. STERN, Jacques Léon and DE LEUSSE, Mathilde Simone
39. BEMBERG, Federico Otto, F IX 1 and MANSILLA GARCÍA, Jovita Julia
40. BEMBERG, Otto Eduardo Isidoro María Del Corazón De Jesús, F IX 2 and BENGOLEA, Sofía Elena
41. BEMBERG, Luis Emilio Maria Gonzale, F IX 3 and D'OISSEL HÉLY, Suzanne Marie Gabrielle
42. BEMBERG, Jorge María José Agustín Del Corazón De Jesús, F IX 4 and KIREIEFF, Maria Alexandrovna
43. BEMBERG, Jorge María José Agustín Del Corazón De Jesús, F IX 4 and BEMBERG, Ms.
44. KIREIEFF, Maria Alexandrovna
45. DE GANAY, Octave Marie Hubert and BEMBERG, María Rosa Josefina Mónica Faustina Del Corazón De Jesús, F IX 5
46. LÜTH, Hubert Franz and BEMBERG, Maria Hubertine Josephine Alexandra Elisabeth, K IX 6
47. BEMBERG, Paul, K X 1 and MAIER, Liselotte
48. BEMBERG, Albert, K X 2 and LEITENBERGER, Ruth Luise
49. CÁRCANO, Miguel Ángel Ramón and BEMBERG, María Rosa Jovita Josefina Angélica, F X 1
50. SORIANO SÁINZ, VICUÑA, Eduardo and BEMBERG, María Inés Del Carmen, F X 2
51. BEMBERG, Eduardo Pedro Federico, F X 4 and HATCH, Georgina Betty
52. QUIRNO, Miguel Ernesto and BEMBERG, Josefina Elena, F X 5
53. MIGUENS, Carlos María Hernán and BEMBERG, María Luisa Marta Carlota, F X 6
54. DE GAINZA, Máximo Ezequiel and BEMBERG, María Magdalena, F X 7
55. DE MONTALEMBERT, Jean-Charles André Marie Francois and BEMBERG, Marie Françoise Victoire, F X 8
56. BEMBERG, Jacques, F X 11 and BRIAN, Patricia
57. DE GANAY, Jean Louis Sébastien Hubert and DE NOAILLES, Philippine Louise Charlotte
58. DE GANAY, André Édouard Jacques Hubert and BRUEL DE ELIZALDE, Magdalena Andrea
59. DE GANAY, Michel Frédéric Blaise Hubert and DE MONTESQUIOU-FEZANSAC, Victoire
60. DE GANAY, Charles Henri Gabriel and BEGHIN, Pascaline
61. BEMBERG, Rolf, K Xi 1
62. BEMBERG, Hans, K Xi 2 and BÖHM, Carola
63. CASTEL DE VIEL, Louis James and CÁRCANO, Isabel
64. PONIATOWSKI DE LA BONNINIÈRE, Stanislaus Philippe Hélion Henri Antoine Maria and CÁRCANO, Leticia
65. VICUÑA SÁINZ, Álvaro and TORRAS, Anunciada
66. HERRERA, Íñigo and VICUÑA SÁINZ, Beatriz
67. VICUÑA SÁINZ, Federico and NOWACK, Maria Aina
68. DE YTURBE, Jean and BEMBERG, Alexandra, F Xi 1
69. BEMBERG, Peter, F Xi 2 and FOULKE, Gwendoline
70. QUIRNO, Santiago Miguel and PIROVANO, Irene Mónica
71. QUIRNO, Santiago Miguel and MUÑIZ, Virginia Cecilia
72. TANOIRA, Gonzalo Juan and MIGUENS, María Luisa Bárbara
73. MIGUENS, Carlos José and ROBIROSA, Antonia Cayetana
74. DE ANCHORENA, Alejandro and MIGUENS, Cristina Teresa
75. HOFFMANN, Juan Miguel and MIGUENS, Cristina Teresa
76. MIGUENS, Diego and GIMÉNEZ, María Marta
77. MIGUENS, Diego and GUEVARA, Mercedes García
78. ETCHEBARNE, Juan Alfredo and DE GAINZA, Malena
79. DE GAINZA, Máximo and VEGAS HERRERA, Sara
80. DE GAINZA, Máximo and WHITE COREAL, Paula
81. DEMARÍA, Marcelo Cristian and DE GAINZA, Paula
82. DE MONTALEMBERT, Charles Forbes André Louis and GAUTIER, Viviane
83. BIZOT, Jacque and DE MONTALEMBERT, Anne
84. DE MONTALEMBERT, François and COCHIN, Marie Hélène
85. DE MONTALEMBERT, Bernard and DOMANGE, Brigtte
86. DE MONTALEMBERT, Jacques-Louis and SOLDATI, Veronica
87. MEFFRE, François and DE MONTALEMBERT, Philippine
88. DE MONTALEMBERT, Thierry Emmanuel and MURAT, Laura
91. KATER, Carlos and DE MONTALEMBERT, Aude
92. FASOLO, Jorge and DE MONTALEMBERT, Suzanne
94. BEMBERG, Jean-Charles, F Xi 3 and TIMAT LE GOUVELLO, Claire
95. BEMBERG, Jean-Charles, F Xi 3 and CASALTA, Milagros
96. MANSET, François and BEMBERG, Claire, F Xi 5
97. MEYER, Jean-Claude and DE GANAY, Anne Marie
98. FILMER-WILSON, James and DE GANAY, Martine Caroline Philippine
99. DE GANAY, Serge Stéphane and DE GANAY, Lauraine Magdalena
100. HANSEN, Markus and DE GANAY, Valentine
101. DE GANAY, Jean H. André and CANTERRANE DE BIDERAN, BERAUD, Florencia María Enriqueta Ana
102. DE GANAY, Jean H. André and LACAU, Gloria
103. DE GANAY, Pierre and HAULPETIT-FOURICHON, Patricia Elizabeth
104. DE GANAY, François and DURAND, Béatrice
105. DE GANAY, Sébastien and VON ABENSPERG UND TRAUN, Katharina
106. DE GANAY, Antoine and COOPER, Laura
107. DE BOISANGER, Adrien and PONIATOWSKI, Tatiana
108. PONIATOWSKI, Nicolás and ROVNER, Natalya
109. ITURRASPE, Martin and VICUÑA SÁINZ, Adriana
110. VILLENA, Juan and VICUÑA SÁINZ, Victoria
111. HERRERA, Diego
112. HOTTINGUER, Philippe and DE YTURBE, Diane Alix Sophie Marie
113. VIDALENC, Thibaut and DE YTURBE, Diane Alix Sophie Marie
114. DE NOAILLES, Emmanuel Paul Louis Marie and BEMBERG, Letizia, F Xii 7
115. TANOIRA, Gozola and OGUETA, Pilar
116. TANOIRA, Javier and ACUÑA, Dolores
117. URANGA, Delfín and TANOIRA, Bárbara
118. CHAVANNE, Santiago and TANOIRA, Leonor
119. BLEDEL, Jorge Alberto and DE ANCHORENA, Maria Luisa
120. ETCHEBARNE, Ignacio and LAVALLE QUIRNO, Magdalena
121. GRAHAM, Patrick and DE GAINZA, Zelmira
122. CONTI, Matías Ceferino and DEMARÍA, Paula
123. BERNARDO, Martín and DEMARÍA, Paula
125. DE MONTALEMBERT, Jean and FATOUX, Nathalie
128. BIZOT, Fanon and BIZOT, Isabelle
129. BIZOT, Philippe and COTTE, Véronique
130. BIZOT, Pierre and DE MOUSELLE, Liliane
131. PRINGELS, Eric and BIZOT, Béatrice
132. MEFFRE, Laetitia
133. MEFFRE, Alexis and LE GOUVELLO, Margaux
134. ARGUDO, Rafael and DE MONTALEMBERT, Olivia
135. DE MELO, Bruno and KATER, Martha
136. MEYER, Adrien and TAITTINGER, Marion
137. D´ESPOUS, Édouard and DE GANAY, Églantine
138. ADES, Pablo and DE GANAY, Marie-Valerie