Each family tree shows the reported children, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of a family group. In order to reduce redundancy, any family group which is wholly included within another family tree may not be reported separately.

Above each of the great-grandparent boxes (top row), a continuation family tree reference number is shown if the great-grandparent is recorded as a child in the continuation tree. A continuation reference number is also shown to the left of a grandparent or parent box if that individual has siblings reported in the continuation tree; and beneath a child box (bottom row) if that individual has children reported in the continuation tree.

In cases of multiple marriages, a continuation reference number preceded by "=" is shown to the right of a parent box. This number references the previous and/or next tree in which that individual is shown with another partner.

1. BEMBERG, Lucas (Lacasen), H II 6 := L II 1 and TRAPMANN, Gertrud
2. BEMBERG, Lucas (Lacasen), H II 6 := L II 1 and GADDOM, Richmuth
3. UFM GROßEN BEMBERGH, Johann Steffen, H I 2 and UFM RAFFENBERGH, Anna, (Witwe)
4. MISTMANN, Johannes and BEMBERG, Catharina, L III 10
5. METZENHAUS, Johann Henrich and BEMBERG, Anna Catharina, L III 5
6. ÜBERSAHL, Heinrich Wilhelm and BEMBERG, Anna Margaretha, L III 7
7. BEMBERG, Peter (Petrus), L III 8 and CAMPMANN, Catharina
8. BEMBERG AUFM HOVE, Heinrich, H IV 1 and MISTMANN, Catharina Gertrud
9. BEMBERG, (Georg) Peter (Petrus), H IV 4 := E IV 1 and MISTMANN, Anna Catharina
10. HOFMANN, Johann Heinrich and BEMBERG, Anna Catharina, L IV 8
11. KEUCHEN, Peter Gottfried and BEMBERG, Ida Catharina, H V 1
12. WUPPERMANN, Johannes and BEMBERG, Anna Catharina, H V 3
13. SCHRAGMÜLLER, Johannes Peter and BEMBERG, Christina Margaretha, H V 4
14. LOHMEYER, Frantz Henrich and BEMBERG, Anna Florentine, H V 6
15. KEUCHEN, Johannes and BEMBERG, Johanna Maria Elisabeth (Elisabetha) Petronella, H V 8
16. WEPERMAN, Johan and BEMBERG, Johanna Catharina, H V 9
17. MÄRCKER, Christian Bertram and BEMBERG, Johanna Catharina, H V 9
18. LAUSBERG, Gerhard Wilhelm and BEMBERG, Wilhelmine Katharina, E V 1
19. LOHMEYER, Wilhelm Conrad and MOLLENKOTT, Johanne Elisabeth
20. KEUCHEN, Johann Peter and FROWEIN, Sophie Karoline
21. LAUSBERG, Johann Heinrich Gerhard and LAUSBERG, Maria Catharina
22. LAUSBERG, Johann Karl and SCHEIBLER, Maria Ernestine
23. LAUSBERG, Johann Friedrich and HÖCKERS, Henriette Maria Catharina
24. LOHMEYER, Carl Melchior and KEUCHEN, Helene Christiane
25. BREDT, Friedrich and KEUCHEN, Juliane Adeline
26. REINHOLD, Johann Peter Heinrich and LAUSBERG, Maria Sophia Karolina
27. LOHMEYER, Carl and VERBRÜGGE, Julia Johanna
28. BREDT, Peter Friedrich (Frederick) and CORNTHWAITE, Marie
29. BREDT, Peter Karl and BREDT, Charlotte Juliane Albertine
30. BREDT, Hugo Otto and BUCHHOLZ, Friederike Auguste
31. LOHMEYER, Carl and MEYER-RINCK, Alwine Johanna Emma
32. BREDT, Peter Karl Otto and PETERSON, Marie Luise